A Family Dentist Explains What Sugar Can do to Teeth

family dentist Lincroft, NJ

Family dentists recommend keeping sugar consumption to a minimum, regardless of age. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, kidney disease, diabetes, and many other health conditions. It also increases the risk of developing oral issues like gum disease and tooth decay.

A family dentist explains how sugar damages teeth

The more sugar a person consumes regularly, the more likely they are to develop tooth decay and gum disease. Oral bacteria convert food particles in the mouth into acids that destroy the structures of the teeth. These microorganisms coat the teeth with plaque, which houses bacteria and the acids they produce. When plaque gets beneath the gum line, the bacteria in it infects the tissues there, which in turn, leads to the body releasing antibodies to fight off the infection. The result is gum disease, which includes inflammation, tenderness, and damage to the structures that support teeth. 

Sugar is the main thing acid-producing bacteria in the mouth feast on, so the more sugars a person consumes, the more time their teeth spend being coated with acids.

According to a family dentist, the first noticeable sign of tooth decay is the formation of cavities. These are tiny pits that develop on teeth surfaces. When left untreated, a cavity will expand until it completely damages the tooth. Common signs of tooth decay include:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods
  • Pain when chewing
  • Toothaches
  • Bad breath

Treating the effects of sugar on teeth

A family dentist has a few tools at their disposal when it comes to treating tooth decay. Some of the more common treatments include:

  • Fluoride treatments: Application of fluoride can protect teeth from decay for up to six months
  • Fillings: A filling seals up the holes created by tooth decay
  • Composite bonding: Dental bonding can be used to rebuild teeth that have been damaged by decay or to fill up cavities
  • Crowns: Dental crowns can be used to protect teeth that have been severely damaged by decay
  • Root canals: This procedure is performed when tooth decay reaches the pulp chamber
  • Extractions: Pulling a tooth is used as a last result when tooth decay has led to an infection that threatens to spread to other parts of the body

Protecting teeth against the effects of sugar

It can be difficult to eliminate sugar, however, it is often necessary. Below are some simple things that a family dentist recommends for individuals to do in order to minimize the effects of sugar on the teeth:

  • Avoid foods and beverages with high sugar concentration like sodas
  • Drink water or rinse the mouth with it after consuming sugary foods and beverages
  • Use a straw to reduce the contact sugary drinks make with teeth
  • Practice good oral hygiene and get regular teeth cleanings
  • Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride
  • Get preventative treatments like fluoride treatments and dental sealants

Visit a family dentist today

Call or visit our Lincroft clinic to learn more about how sugar affects the teeth and find out about the treatments that protect against decay.

Request an appointment here: https://lincroftvillagedental.com or call Lincroft Village Dental Care at (732) 842-5005 for an appointment in our Lincroft office.

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